Friday, August 12, 2005

St. Louis The Adventure Begins

So we got up in the wee hours this morning to catch our 5:30 am flight out to St Louis. We spent the night over at Dickfer's house since he lives basically on the tarmac. We arived safe and sound at 9 am this morning and checked into the Holiday Inn Riverport. Luckily they had a room available for us that early, so we had some time to kill before our initial meeting tonight. So we splished and splashed in the pool a while amidst bird feathers and leaf debris. We got the call from our boss around two that they needed some hands to go mount some D-rings inside the trailers that are being towed behind the RVs. So we got to get a good look at the Rvs up close and personal and they are pretty swank. Here is what one looks like without the graphics. Soon I'll have pics of ours with the graphics and the trailer. But for now you can click on this one to see their website and some interior pics. (Imagine a photo of an RV here instead of a dad link to a picture that is no longer on the internets) Well I've been up since 4 am so I am going to try and get some rest for a big day of training tomorrow.

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