Sunday, January 1, 2006

pimpin' in 2006

Last night we decided to get all pimped out for the NYE festivities. I had my outfit all picked out but my brown pork pie hat I like to wear did not match the outfit so we made a run out to try and buy a black stove pipe hat and a tiara for Ful-O-Pep figuring we'd spend about $10 tops. Well we couldn't find a black hat to match my outfit so I ended up getting a brown velvet sports-coat (which Old Biker would appreciate) a new shirt and tie. There were a couple gangsters shopping for sports-coats at the same time and one of them had tried on the brown velvet and really wanted it but it was not his size. But once he saw my sexy fine and humble ass trying it on he decided he wanted it. So as I was taking it off he said "You don't have to put it back on the hanger just give it to me, dog" So I handed him the empty hanger and bought the coat.

Homecoming Queen wore the dress she had worn to her bro's wedding with the addition of a sequin laced shawl thing and some spangly dangly earrings. We were definitely pimpin'.

Jeremy and his date showed up and we were off to the races. First stop... Fraziers. It was lame and kind of depressing. But we hung out there for the midnight stroke then headed off to Sonar to have some fun. On the way we stopped by the sidebar and said HEY to our buddies there, then continued on to Sonar. Two if By Sea was playing so we watched most of their set then went to one of the DJ rooms and danced the night away. Overall it was a fun NYE. Didn't drink too much, got home safe and sound and had a good time. Now we are packing up to get ready to fly out tomorrow.

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