Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Carousel of the Gods

The novel American Gods by Neil Gaiman is a favorite of mine. There is a part in where all of the old gods get together for a meeting to decide what to do about all the pesky new gods. They have this meeting at the House on the Rock in Wisconsin (not Missouri) which is a most bizarre and fascinating place. A and I had the chance to go there back when we were traveling the country and I shot many photos there. I took two photos of the worlds largest indoor carousel (which is also mentioned in the book) and overlaid them together. I then digitally painted over that composite to create this final piece. Careful, looking at it may cause dizziness and disorientation!


anilia said...

I hate to be a nag- but the House on the Rock is in Wisconsin. Don't you remember getting stuck and wondering if they had helicopters and cranes? :)

Indelible John said...

I knew it was in some state that started with an "M". That is if you turn the M upside down on it's head and use the rest of the letters to make cheese.

Cindy said...

I like cheese.